viernes, 24 de septiembre de 2021

Price of Love - Bad English

Letra de Price of Love

(Letra y música de Jonathan Cain, John Waite)

Video Oficial

Girl, sometimes it seems to me
That I don't say the things I should
To you, I act like I'm no good
And you wait for me patiently
This house is not a home without you
It takes two hearts to share.

Your eyes will always see through me 
And bring me to my knees
And I will always turn to you
You're everything I need.

And through the good and bad times
You have always been there
We hold each other close
You tell me it's alright
The nights we fight about it
Never dream of giving up
That's the price of love... Oh yeah...
Look, sometimes it makes us cry
Forgive me when I get it wrong
Sometimes it's hard to be that strong.
And oh, I would do anything
For you I'd turn the stars around
'd find a way somehow.

This time, you see I built 
A bridge to you again
Love shines, we'll sweep away the past
We're more than lovers, more than friends.
And through the good and bad times
You have always been there
We hold each other close
You tell me it's alright
The nights we fight about it
Never dream of giving up
That's the price of love...

Your eyes will always see through me 
And bring me to my knees
And I will always turn to you
You're everything I need.
And through the good and bad times
You have always been there
We hold each other close
You tell me it's alright
And sometimes I can't give enough
That's the price of love
That's the price of love oh yeah...
That's the price of love
That's the price of love.
of love.

Price of Love acordes Bad English

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