miércoles, 4 de octubre de 2017

Burning Heart - Survivor

Letra de Burning Heart

(Lyric and music by Jim Peterik, Frankie Sullivan)

Video Oficial

Two worlds collide, rival nations
It's a primitive clash, venting years of frustrations
Bravely we hope against all hope,
there is so much at stake
Seems our freedom's up against the ropes
Does the crowd understand?
Is it a East vs. West, or man against man
Can any nation stand alone?

In the burning heart, just about to burst
There's a quest for answers, an unquenchable thirst
In the darkest night, rising like a spire
In the burning heart, the unmistakable fire,
in the burning heart.

In the warrior's code, there's no surrender
Though his body says stop, his spirit cries never
Deep in our soul a quiet ember
Knows it's you against you
It’s the paradox that drives us on
It's a battle of wills, in the heat of attack
It's the passion that kills
The victory is yours alone.

In the burning heart, just about to burst
There's a quest for answers, an unquenchable thirst
In the darkest night, rising like a spire
In the burning heart, the unmistakable fire,

In the burning heart, just about to burst
There's a quest for answers,
an unquenchable thirst
In the darkest night, rising like a spire
In the burning heart, the unmistakable fire,

In the burning heart, just about to burst
There's a quest for answers,
an unquenchable thirst
In the darkest night, rising like a spire
In the burning heart, the unmistakable fire,

In the burning heart...

Burning Heart acordes Survivor chords

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